CSA Family!
Never before has the passing of one season been so markedly magnificent as the summer of 2012. Despite severe drought, record high temperatures and the added challenge of re-learning how to manage our time and energy so that we could share every last drop of it with our new daughter, we grew as a farm and a family. Last summer we achieved our membership goal sooner than ever before, we had thriving community involvement with the tremendously successful Worker Share program, and we filled our CSA boxes to the brim week after week with heavier, more colorful, and even higher quality produce than we ever had before. Things are looking good on the Small Family Farm and CSA!
Your Small Family Farmers

A winter’s rest does a farmer’s body good. It’s a time to recharge the battery. It becomes apparent as to how important the winter break is not only for our bodies, but also for our minds. We use the winter to dream and plan and scheme. We use the winter for building new infrastructure, to give a little TLC to our equipment that we work so hard in the summer months, and for repairing all of the tools and equipment that keep us in business. We just recently finished submitting all of our seed orders and we are now in the midst of doing some repairs on our greenhouse chimney, as we are about to get the greenhouse fires started in just a few weeks time.
Even though freezing rain is falling from the sky today, the blue birds will be singing tomorrow. Spring seems to emerge all too quickly here at the Small Family Farm. We will soon be seeding the first of our onions and celery in the greenhouse and it will not be long before we’re watching for signs that the soil is dry enough for tilling. I am continuously amazed at how quickly the seasons pass. Now is a great time to be thinking about renewing your membership in the Small Family Farm CSA program as we enter our 8th season running our CSA program.
As the CSA program has always been the primary market for the produce the Small Family Farm grows, we will continue to exclusively raise vegetables for our CSA members. The CSA is and always has been our first priority amounting to 95% of what makes up our business. You are our bread and butter and we will continue to keep stuffing those CSA boxes as full as we ever have and more. Please Renew Your Membership Now and continue to grow with us as we become even more skilled as farmers and eat with us while we continue to improve the quality of our produce as we learn more each year.