September Fourth
Sooo….WHAT’S in the BOX???
Beets– More of these mineral loaded beets to color your life. Remove tops and store in a plastic bag in fridge.
Red Cabbage– Red cabbage for a change. Stores best in a plastic bag in fridge. .
White Onion- Does not need refrigeration. Store on your countertop until you gobble it down.
Melons– You may have received a red watermelon or a cantaloupe. We did not have enough ripe ones to give everyone the same thing. Melons are hard to tell if they’re fully ripe without cutting them open. I’m terribly sorry if one you got was not fully ripe. We do the best we can when we’re picking them, looking for all the signs of ripeness that we know how to see.
Green Kale– Nutritious and delicious. Notice, as we enter into fall, that your normally bitter greens will turn sweet. The starches turn to sugar in the fall. Stores best in a plastic bag in fridge.
Hungarian Hot Wax Peppers or Jalapeno Peppers– Sometimes these little guys are hot and sometimes they’re not. It’s a bit of a hit or miss. When they are hot, they’re one of the most mild of all of the hot peppers. Jalapenos are a bit hotter!
Garlic– Does not need refrigeration. Stores best on the countertop or in a cool, dark and dry place.
Tomatoes– Tomatoes are hitting with a bang! We’ll have a few heavy weeks of them, but the forecast doesn’t look all that great for a never-ending tomato year. If the tomatoes are soft, they are ripe. Keep your eye out for those heirlooms that don’t turn your classic red/orange color. The Cherokee purple’s are more of a greenish/purple color when fully ripe. A nice mix of heirlooms, slicers, and paste tomatoes (romas).
Green Peppers– A pepper or two for all. Stores best in a plastic bag in fridge.
Eggplant– The best eggplant year we’ve ever had. Not my favorite veggie in the world, personally, but they just look sooooo yummy! And the plants are so prolific! Eggplants are fragile and they’ll keep best in a plastic bag in fridge, but not for too terribly long, a week or so.
Next Week! A short list of items that we may have next week, but will not promise to have. Due to the unexpectedness of the season and perishable nature of produce, anything could pop up or go down hill unexpectedly.
Russet Potatoes, Carrots, Sweet Corn, Green and Purple peppers, Hot peppers, Eggplant, Yellow and Purple Beans, Basil, Celery
A very Simple Fresh Salsa Recipe