The Weekly Dig

Tree silhoutte

News from the Fields of Small Family Farm

The drought on the farm continues to a level deeper than anything we have ever experienced in our 19 years of farming. The 80% chance of rain we were expecting this last weekend dwindled from 80% to 70% to 60%...
I believe that predictable practices are good for a person, a family and a crew. There is no questioning whether the job or the task set before us is worthy or important, it simply must be done....
I believe that predictable practices are good for a person, a family and a crew. There is no questioning whether the job or the task set before us is worthy or important, it simply must be done....
It’s only week 7 and the season feels like it’s in a teenage stage of development. Many of the plants are looking full sized, healthy, strong, and like they’re approaching the season of setting fruit. The potato, tomato, squash, melon...
With the hot weather the summer squash and zucchini harvest is hitting strong. Cucumber harvest will likely begin next week. Cucumber and zucchini harvest needs to happen every two days to make sure that the fruits don’t get over-mature. We...
With the hot weather the summer squash and zucchini harvest is hitting strong. Cucumber harvest will likely begin next week. Cucumber and zucchini harvest needs to happen every two days to make sure that the fruits don’t get over-mature. We...
The farm in in full swing. We are finally caught up on all of our summer plantings and we have a couple week break before we will begin transplanting some of our fall brassicas. We seeded our first succession of...
On these long, warm, sunny days on the farm we are enjoying the full length of a summer day. The heat has felt enjoyable thus far although I may feel differently by the end of this week. We’re drinking bottle...
In our second full week of June your farmers have been having a hard time thinking of much else other than the very, very concerning drought conditions we are experiencing. We are in a moderate drought zone here in Southwest...
The Small Family Farm is beginning its 18th growing season as a CSA farm and we’re so thrilled to begin sharing with you the bounty from yet another fruitful growing season on the farm! An impressive 70% of you are...
We’re feeling the shift on the farm this week from the summer weather to the cool, fall weather. The crew is coming to work with their long johns, stocking caps and layers of warm clothing. We are excited to be...
That's all the newsletters from this year!