The Weekly Dig

Tree silhoutte

News from the Fields of Small Family Farm

This week marks the final week of our Summer Share CSA Deliveries. The Even week and Every Week members pick up their final summer share delivery today. It is with a bittersweet heart that the summer share season comes to...
Next Wednesday will be the final Summer Share delivery of the season. We will then take one week off with no delivery and before we deliver our first Fall Share box of the season on Wednesday, October 30th....
At Small Family Farm, there is an arsenal of really hard-working and committed folks showing up early in the morning and working all day long in the heat, the, rain, the cold, or whatever unknown conditions may arise for the...
On a farm like ours there are a thousand decisions that need to be made in a day. Some decisions foreseen and prepared for. Some spontaneous and unpredicted. Some huge, pivitol and important. Some tiny and insignificant....
On a farm like ours there are a thousand decisions that need to be made in a day. Some decisions foreseen and prepared for. Some spontaneous and unpredicted. Some huge, pivitol and important. Some tiny and insignificant....
The farm ages gracefully and softly into late summer. Occasionally I still hear a cicada call with it’s buzzy whine. I still see birds active in the trees....
I want to start by giving you our full 2024 tomato story. On a normal year, tomatoes are planted in late May. Learn more about it all here......
My whole life I’ve felt different. Different from the other kids at school. Different from my siblings and cousins. Of course this different kind of gal would take the road less traveled and find herself high up on some windy...
The summer that is here today in fullness and bounty but will soon begin to wane with the moon itself. The children of the world are going back to school....
This Saturday we will host our annual Summer Evening Farm dinner. It’s on the fancy side of things for us farm folk. We put on clean clothes, catch up on the yard trimming, and set out nice tables with flowers....
This week marks the final week of our Summer Share CSA Deliveries. The Even week and Every Week members pick up their final summer share delivery today. It is with a bittersweet heart that the summer share season comes to...
Mid October on an organic vegetable farm looks very much like a Fall scene....
Mid October on an organic vegetable farm looks very much like a Fall scene....
Mid October on an organic vegetable farm looks very much like a Fall scene....
If the CSA experience does anything for us, it challenges us. We are challenged by the weekly or bi-weekly boxes of seasonal vegetables that are sometimes familiar and sometimes unfamiliar. The less familiar vegetables aren’t meant to intimidate, disappoint, or...
If the CSA experience does anything for us, it challenges us. We are challenged by the weekly or bi-weekly boxes of seasonal vegetables that are sometimes familiar and sometimes unfamiliar. The less familiar vegetables aren’t meant to intimidate, disappoint, or...
If the CSA experience does anything for us, it challenges us. We are challenged by the weekly or bi-weekly boxes of seasonal vegetables that are sometimes familiar and sometimes unfamiliar. The less familiar vegetables aren’t meant to intimidate, disappoint, or...
If the CSA experience does anything for us, it challenges us. We are challenged by the weekly or bi-weekly boxes of seasonal vegetables that are sometimes familiar and sometimes unfamiliar. The less familiar vegetables aren’t meant to intimidate, disappoint, or...
This week on the farm we brace ourselves to brave the heat wave on the horizon. Temperatures expected to be as high as 100 degrees this week on Wednesday....
A blessed 2.9 inches of rain have fallen on the fields of the farm since last week! It came in a thrilling and exciting storm on Friday night in a blast of wind and rain with lots and lots of...
That's all the newsletters from this year!