August Fourteenth, 2019

Soooo….What’s in the Box?
Yellow Watermelon- Wowzers! What a melon! We like these melons because they fit inside a CSA box and they don’t take up the entire CSA box either! They have everything a melon should have: seeds, crispyness, juicyness, and flavor!
Sweet Corn- 6-7 ears of sweet corn per member this week. We’re hoping for an even more generous giving next week! We’re doing a good job of keeping the raccoons out of the sweet corn fense with our 4 strands of electric wire surrounding the fense. Sweet corn is best eating within hours of harvest. It should be kept in the fridge until you get to eating it up! For best flavor and texture, we recommend eating it up as soon as possible! Enjoy!
Zucchini and Summer Squash- Yes, the Zucchini and Summer squash harvest is waning. Can you tell since you’re only getting a couple now! We may only have a week or two of squash to share. They come on strong, and it gets a little intense there for a bit, but we’ll miss them when they’re gone, I know I will!
Tomatoes– While summer squash may be phasing out of season, tomatoes are phasing in! 1.65 lbs per member this week which is a modest first giving. We pick tomatoes with a “blush”. A blush is anything with any early signs of color. We need to pick tomatoes this way because the plants need to be picked every two days to keep the fruits from ripening too quickly on the vine. If the fruits become too ripe, we won’t be able to ship them without them turning into tomato sauce in your box! Leave your tomatoes sitting on your counter outside of the plastic bag we ship them in to ripen. When tomatoes are put into the fridge the ripening process stops. Refrigerators (and I don’t understand the science behind this completely) suck the flavor out of tomatoes. Your tomatoes will be more flavorful if left on the counter to ripen. We only recommend putting tomatoes in the fridge this summer if you need to buy yourself some time and you have too many tomatoes getting too ripe on you.
Cherry Tomatoes- 1 pint of Sun Gold cherry tomtoes for everyone this week! Sun Golds are my personal favorite tomato of all time! They are so sweet and delicious! These tomatoes ripen orange, so allow them to sit on your counter until they are a bright and shiny orange color and enjoy any way that you wish! Check out my favorite cherry tomato tart recipe below that is AMAZING! I highly recommed making this recipe at least once this season with your cherry tomatoes that you receive in your box!
Green Beans- A generous 1.1 lbs of green beans this week. We had a nice crew to pick beans with us this week! We are so very thankful for all of those loving pairs of hand that so tediously worked with us to get all of these beans picked for us all to share! That’s a lot of hours picking beans!
Cucumbers- 4-5 cukes per member this week. Cucumbers are beginning to wane in production as well. They’re looking a little less perfect as the season goes on, but we’re so thankful that we all still get to eat this lovely seasonal treat!
Carrots- 1 lb per member. We topped them this week to save time. Carrots are alwasy welcome in many dishes on the dinner table! I trust you won’t have issues using these up!
Celery- The final giving of celery for the season! Celery was lovely while it lasted, but all good things come to an end! Remember that you can use your celery leaves in making stock with your veggie scraps. I recently learned about how healing celery juice is. If you’re not sure what to do with your celery, juice it! Anthony Williams write The Medical Medium which is all about the healing effects of driking celery juice daily. Check out this website:
Lettuce– 1 head green leaf lettuce per member. Some of the heads were nice and big, but many of these heads of lettuce were quite small. As I have mentioned before, growing lettuce in the heat of the summer like this is tricky! We’re thankful for even a smaller head this week!
Onion- 1 white onion per member this week. Onions are welcome in almost any dish!
Eggplant– 1 Standard or asian eggplant per member this week. Eggplants are so versatile and such a fun seasonal treat that doesn’t last long!
Jalapeno- Yes, these are hot! 1 per member this week. Jalapenos are spicy and you may be able to recognize them as the smaller green pepper floating in your bag with your tomatoes.
Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper- These peppers are one of the most mild on the spectrum of hot tomatoes. Technically, they are a hot pepper. I have cut into many hungarian hot wax peppers and some have been surprisingly spicy, and some have been hardly spicy at all. They are usualy a lime green color and are also called ‘bananna peppers’. But these peppers ‘ripen’ orange to red, so you may have received one that was orange or red as well. They would be in your bag with your tomatoes.
Grilled Eggplant Ratatouille Muffaletta (grilled eggplant and veggies served on bread)
Teriyaki Green Beans with Cashews