Farm News Week 17, 2009

September Twenty-Fifth

Fall colors are starting to set in now.  I sense that the garden is getting dreary.  I suppose that we all have our limits of production, fertility and strength.  She is running low on steam and getting sleepy now.  I even find it less inviting to get up and get into the garden these days as the bright greens turn to lime yellow, the flower blossoms are slowing and the weeds are all seeding out now.


With over four weeks with no rain, this is not helping the garden hold onto it’s strength any better.  Our fall cauliflower, broccoli, spinach and lettuce seem to be handling the drought better than you would expect.  The radishes were almost a complete failure due to no rain since it has hardly rained since we planted them.  The dry soil conditions make it easier for getting the digging work done though.  We’re hard at it trying to get our carrots, potatoes and squash out of the field.  We just started harvesting the first of winter squash, the delicatas that you see in your box this week.   A long squash harvest ahead of us.


So much to do, so little time.

Sooo….WHAT’S in the BOX???


Russet Potatoes–  Beautiful, firm and earthy potatoes.  Russet Potatoes are best for baking potatoes.  Stores best in a cool, dark and dry place.  Away from sunlight or warm areas.

Carrots–  Sweet, yummy, bright orange as the sun.  Hard to believe that they came from down under the earth.  Stores best in your tummy!

Sweet Red Peppers–  Never before have we been able to give everyone in the CSA more than one colored pepper.  We’re having a really good red pepper year.  And they are fantastic!

Hot Peppers-Remember that you can slice these up and freeze them too if you’re getting more hot pepper than you bargained for.

Yellow and Purple Beans–  This is the last week for beans.  Enjoy them while they last.  Stores best in a plastic bag in fridge.

Spinach–  The long awaited green goddess of the fall.  She’s so young, tender and succulent, yet crisp.  How I do love the first picking off of a fall spinach bed.  Such a versatile green!

Cauliflower-  Some of these are just huge!  Doesn’t store well, really.  Eat them up while they’re fresh and crisp.

Radish- Sort of a funky bunch of radishes!  Not much rain during they’re growth period made them all into weird shapes.  But they taste good!

Delicata Winter Squash–  The first of our winter squash givings.  If yours doesn’t have a nice yellow, creams, orange-ish color on the outer skin, feel free, if you can resist the temptation, to let it sit on your counter and ripen a little more.

Yellow Onions-Plenty more where these came from.


Next Week! A short list of items that we may have next week, but will not promise to have.  Due to the unexpectedness of the season and perishable nature of produce, anything could pop up or go down hill unexpectedly.

Savoy Cabbage, Rutabega, Celery, Sweet Peppers, Hot peppers, Arugula, Onions, Acorn Winter Squash, Cauliflower, Spinach



Cauliflower Casserole