June Seventeenth
Do you ever wonder who we are? Who are these ambitious kids who deliberately plant themselves in the middle of the countryside and devote themselves to growing organic vegetables? Who would do such a thing? Who would want such a life of servitude? What fuels their motivation? In a world with so much to be had, why would someone isolate themselves to a lonely ridgetop hours away from the nearest Apple store and take up an occupation such as farming? Farming is notoriously compared to gambling with so little security, heavy physical demands and long hours that never get clocked. The work never ends on a farm. Joe, Todd, Adam and Anna after a morning of weeding in the mud.
We might be a little kooky, sure, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. I would say that the decision to buy a farm was less of a decision and more of a calling. I don’t remember there being a time when we were deciding to farm or not to farm, it was always how and where and when, but never if. It’s like getting sucked into something you didn’t even really see coming, like a friendship that just happens to you, the behaviors and the movements and the routines become you and the next thing you know, you’re married to someone and you never look back.
The farm is run by my hard-working, handsome and wonderfully loyal husband, Adam and me, Jillian. We have two daughters, Ayla and Aliza who are 3 and 7 monthes. But we would be fooling you entirely if you thought we did it alone. We have two full time helpers, Joe Orso and Todd Chantry who are impressively committed human beings who joyfully show up for work day after day and work their butts off. We also have a team of over 27 Worker Shares. These Worker Shares are people in our immediate community who work one 3.5 hour shift a week in exchange for their CSA Share. This crew of helpers who come and work truly are the backbone of the farm.
Organic Vegetable farming is incredibly intensive. It is time-sensitive, fast-paced and burly. We attract the hardy kind. And even though we’re all out there in the rain and wind and heat and cold, we’re out there together creating friendships and building community richer than anything I’ve ever experienced. I remember the feeling in my youth of being very alone in the big-bad world. I remember my confusion, my ambiguity, my search for a place. Today I feel so thankful for this farm and the wholesomeness it embodies and the roots we have set down. Now I know the richness that comes with staying somewhere and knowing a people and a place and finally myself.
Sooo…What’s in the Box???
Kohlrabi- You may have received a white or a purple kohlrabi. The purple kohlrabis taste the same as the white and they are also white on the inside. Remember that you can eat the greens on your kohlrabi!
Salad Turnips- These little white globes are so tender and mild you can eat them with almost anything! You could grate them onto salads, slice them into coins, add them to a stir fry or get creative. They’re very versatile! Will store best with their tops removed and kept in a plastic bag in the fridge. You can eat your turnip greens!
French Breakfast Radish- Prbably the last week of Spring radishes. Radishes this year have been very mild due to the cooler weather and plenty of moisture. You can also eat your radish greens! Raishes will store best with their tops removed and kept a plastic bag in the fridge, but radish flavor is best when eaten very fresh!
Broccoli- Two heads of broccoli per member this week! This is the earliest we’ve ever had broccoli for our members in the history of our CSA. We covered our broccoli plants with remay (a white blanket row-cover material) to give them a boost and a boost they were given! Guest workers and CSA members David and Ali Deprey helping weed and hanging in there with the big dogs. Impressive work guys!
Spinach- A half pound bag of spinach for all this week. This will be the final giving of spinach for this Spring. We can wait for more spinach in the fall as spinach is a cool-weather loving plant that doesn’t tolerate the heat very well.
Lettuce- Two to Three very beautiful heads of red or green buttercup lettuce. We also harvested some red and green oakleaf with some romain mixed in there. Which varieties did you get? To clean the lettuce at home we recommend cutting the butt off the end of the lettuce and washing the head leaf by leaf. Salad spin the leaves so they are very dry. Wet greens don’t keep near as well as dry greens. Store them in a plastic bag in the fridge. But eat your greens up, more coming next week!
Green Onions- So excited to offer our first giving of green onions! Use everything from the roots all the way up to the tips of the greens. Everything is edible on these guys!
Collard Greens- Collard greens are in the same family as kale, so they can be used very much like kale or in place of your favorite cooking greens. As one of our worker shares, Heather says, Collards are great because it means you get to eat bacon too! Collards and bacon go together like wine and cheese or tomatoes and basil or [inserpt your own favorite pairing].
NEW! Adam’s Best Guess for Next Week!