
Farm News Week 6, 2014

July Nineth

There is farming.  And there is farming with children.  Two very different life experiences.  As everyone knows, life with children in general is a whole new ball game. 

Adam and I were fortunate enough to have a few years together building our farm’s foundation, building the business and spreading the good word about the Small Family Farm before we decided to bring children into the mix.  We knew it would be hard and that we would have to slow down and change the pace of our lives a little.  We are both the sort of work-aholic types that make you feel a little uncomfortable to be around.  We never really stop moving and we always have ‘To-Do’ lists plastered all over our chalk-board walls.  Most people aren’t sure what to think about a breed like us.  Some people love and admire these characteristics, some people resent it, and some people seem a little confused by it.  Why would anyone want to work this hard? weedingWeeding with Ayla’s supervision

This was my biggest worry when deciding to have children.  How could we continue to work 70-80 hours a week with kids?  Our children would grow up to resent us and the farm.  Would the farm fall apart?  A few years ago we decided to give it a shot.  I was naieve enough to think that I could continue working just as many hours as I had before Baby was born and just tote Baby along with me wherever I went.  This method got us through Ayla’s first year of life, but it proved to be highly un-sustainable.  I also hadn’t anticipated that she would not sleep through the night for  the whole first year and that it would be one of the hottest years on record.   

Year two brought change inspired by our farming and parenting friends at Crossroads Community Farm.  We started a Sitter-Share program.  This is much like the Worker Share program where friends and neighbors who live close can come to the farm to watch our daughter for one morning or afternoon shift a week in exchange for a CSA Summer Share.  Through this program we were able to keep Ayla on the farm most days of the week, at home, within close range of her mother, and playing with parents and children whose values we share.  This program also helps with Ayla’s socialization and keeps her engaging with other kids her age since most of our Sitter Shares also have children.  It also keeps mom able to work almost a 35-hour week in the fields with workers doing what she loves too. 

While the farm is still a very important and fulfilling part of my life, and I still have a strong work ethic that might take a few more decades to damper down, my growing small family takes precedence in my life’s list of priorities.  The farm feels sustainable in its size and with the amount of help we have to get the work done.  Upon reflection, I feel like a very lucky person.  I feel fortunate to get to work from home doing the work I love.  My heart is at ease knowing that my child is in the hands of loving and compassionate people who care for her and who thankfully value fresh, local, organic produce through a barter system.  And now with the expectation of our second child this Fall, and no real plan for what changes will come in how the farm is run for next season, I trust in this beautiful community.  It is because of all of the wholesome people who are woven into this farm and all of the families who help and work here that the whole clock tics.  Thanks everybody!

Sooo…What’s in the Box???

Kohlrabi- The Kohlrabis are still crankin’ out!  Probably one more week of kohlrabis and then we’ll be done with them for the summer.  We’ll see a resurgence of kohlrabis again this fall when the cooler weather returns.  

Fennel-  Absolutely perfect, large, juicy and and bright white bulbs of fennel with beautiful frawns.  We’ve been using our fennel everywhere.  In soups, in home-made egg rolls, in stir fry.  Have fun with it!  

Garlic Scapes-  One more smaller giving of garlic scapes next week still to come.  The garlic plants are about done scaping and that means that soon we will have garlic bulbs!  Whoohooo!  Use the part of the scape all the way up to the light green colored nodule.  

Broccoli or Cauliflower-  But mostly we shipped broccoli.  With the cooler temps this summer, the broccoli has been holding nice in the fields.  We have another couple weeks of broccoli coming up.  Use it up quickly as it doesn not keep well in this warmer weather.  Broccoli prefers to be kept very cold in storage in a plastic bag.  

Snap Peas-  Another huge giving of snap peas at a whopping .85lbs per member!  Imagine the labor hours spent picking .85lbs of peas for 220 families.  A lot of of helping hands!  

Summer Squash, Zucchini and Patty Pans-  Yes, the summer squash, zucchini and patty pans are off with a BANG!  Very generous givings of 6-8 squash per member.  

Cucumbers-  The cucumber plants are loaded with cukes, but we’re trying our hardest not to pick them pre-maturely.  Most members received 2 cucumbers, but we ran short and some people may have only received one.  Plenty more cucumbers in your future!  Week_6Wow! Week 6 Bounty!

Green Leaf or Romaine Lettuce-  The lettuce heads this week looked like they were straight out of the seed catalogs.  Picture perfect.  It’s always a shame to harvest them, handle them a few times, wash them and then try to squeeze them in your box.  They’re just not as beautiful as they are when they’re growing in the fields.  Keeps best in a plastic bag in the fridge.  

Lacinato Kale-  Large bunches of Lacinato kale this week.  The leaves were so big and beautiful we gave nice bunches.  Keeps best in a plastic bag in the fridge.  

Dill-  More huge bunches!  We weren’t sure what you could do with this much dill, but dehydrating it is a great option.  We always have plenty of our own dried dill to get us through the winter.  If it’s too much to use fresh, dry the extra and use it later!  

Green Onions-  Yes!  Finally a nice giving of scallions!  There are more where these puppies came from!  Use the entire thing.  We were talking in the fields about how the entire thing is edible.  You can eat the roots all the way up to the tips of the greens.  They will keep best in a plastic bag in the fridge.  


Zucchini Enchiladas

Shaved Fennel Salad with Peas and Mint

Kale Mushroom and Dill Triangles

Stir Fry Sauces  This is just a link to a website I found that I liked.  We make a lot of Stir Frys and I’m always looking for new and fun Sauces to mix with the veggies.  Some really fun ideas here!